Providing temporary employment for young vocational-rehabilitation graduates with down syndrome and autism in Right to live Society under the project
“responding to the multi-sectoral humanitarian needs of the most vulnerable population in
Gaza Strip”

Supported by Islamic Relief – Sweden, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and implemented by the Gaza Group Association for Culture and Development. Mr. Basil Nasser, Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Right to Live Association, on behalf of Mrs. Adalah Abu Sitta Abu Madian, Chairman of the Board, signed an agreement for the project to respond to the multi-sectoral needs of the most vulnerable families in the Gaza Strip, (the money-for-work component).
As one of the partners in the implementation of the project, temporary job opportunities will be provided for a number of young men and women with Down syndrome and autism, graduates of the vocational rehabilitation program at the Right to Live Association, to work in various sectors in the local market.
This project comes within the framework of the Right to Live Association’s strategy to enhance the economic and social empowerment of individuals with Down syndrome and autism and raise the level of community awareness about their abilities and their right to decent work.

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